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Artisan Breads to Equal Any with Gluten -- New Cascadia Traditional Gluten Free Bakery

Bread from new Cascadiasml

Let me repeat myself.  Here in Portland, I've found gluten free artisan breads that equal any of the delicious country and artisan breads made with gluten.  Where?  New Cascadia Traditional Bakery.  I first heard of them at the Ground Breaker gastropub, then went searching online.  First I purchased one of their Rustic Baguettes (pictured above from my visit to their cafe) at Whole Foods.  It was delicious -- just the thing to pile high with pastured butter and serve with a healthy warming soup.  The crust was crisp and chewy and the bread light and airy.  

A couple days ago my friend Charlotte and I visited their cafe for lunch.  I had ham and grilled cheese on their Honey Gold bread with vegetable soup on the side.  The soup came with two wonderful slices of their baguette.  I was in heaven.   We also had a sampling of their deserts, a fabulous cookie with a cream filing, chocolate chip expresso cookie, an a peanut butter cream confection.  The peanut butter cream was Charlotte's favorite and mine was the chocolate chip espresso cookie.   We are going for a second visit before I leave. The owner, Chris, was kind enough to take time from a clearly busy schedule to speak with me.  He also gave me one of their bagels -- amazing.  If you are visiiting Portland or better yet, live in Portland, visit New Cascadia cafe or get their awesome breads at Whole Foods or New Seasons.

One warning, they are addicting.


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